A year's flown by since I clipped a leash onto her green collar and she walked away with a total stranger.
Kissy-pooh is one of the many things I've learned about Rosie.
She'd been pushed out of a car, picked up and stuck, for the most part, in a kennel at the Delano shelter.
To this day, 22 years since moving to the astral plane, a favorite old fashioned
mom saying is a lick and a promise. As in, dusting or straightening up, don't go all in, just give it
a lick and a promise. Being found in an 1860 dictionary, it's a verifiably old saying.
Since last October, Rosie's made many a face lick and I made a promise. I couldn't let her be
at risk of finding the right family or the someone who understood that she needed time to learn to trust,
that she's not a confident girl, that she needed to soak up tons of affection and stability.
She loves me unreservedly, with all her being. Devoted is not a strong enough word.
I could not let her move on from fostering knowing it's a gamble that her rescue would find
the kind of someone Rosie needed. So I promised to be that person.
I promised to never abandon her, we would share the years, and our lives, together.