Pittie Pawsitive
“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie - deliberate, contrived and dishonest - but the myth - persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” - John F. Kennedy
Pitbulls Used to Be Considered the Perfect "Nanny Dogs" for
Children -- Until the Media Turned Them Into Monsters Shedding light on reality vs. the myth, a truth telling piece in AlterNet by Joshua Holland: http://www.alternet.org/civil-liberties/pitbulls-used-be-considered-perfect-nanny-dogs-children-until-media-turned-them |

Helen Keller had a pit bull. Laura Ingalls Wilder, who wrote "Little House on the Prairie," Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Jimmy Carter, General George S. Patton - all pit bull owners. And Petey from "The Little Rascals", the mascot pup with the black eye patch, pit bull.
From Wikipedia
Pete the Pup (January 22, 1929 - January 28, 1946) was an American Staffordshire Terrier character in Hal Roach's Our Gang comedies (later known as The Little Rascals) during the 1930s. "Petey", he was well known for having a circled eye that was added on by Hollywood make-up artist Max Factor. The original Pete had a natural ring almost completely around his eye; dye was used to finish it off. Trainer and owner Lt. Harry Lucenay used one of Pal's offspring as Pete in the series after Pal was poisoned and died in 1930. This dog, named "Lucenay's Peter", was registered as a UKC American Pit Bull Terrier. A few other dogs played Petey, but Lucenay's Peter was the best known. After being fired from the Our Gang series in 1932, Harry Lucenay retired Peter to Atlantic City, where he was photographed with children at the Steel Pier. |

Pit bulls conveyed loyalty on WWI and WWII recruiting posters.
Sergeant Stubby was the most decorated dog in military history and the only dog to
have been promoted during battle. During WWI he fought in the French trenches for
18 months. Stubby was responsible for the capture of a German spy and succeeded in
saving his platoon by warning them of a poisonous gas attack.
Sergeant Stubby was the most decorated dog in military history and the only dog to
have been promoted during battle. During WWI he fought in the French trenches for
18 months. Stubby was responsible for the capture of a German spy and succeeded in
saving his platoon by warning them of a poisonous gas attack.

There's no proper definition for pit bull. Dogs commonly identified as pit bulls are often a mix of multiple breeds: American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers (APBT) or more recently, American Bullies. Whatever the mix, they are what we made them to be, for better or worse.