"The new ordinance, which will go into effect in 2021, makes it illegal to sell, manufacture or trade furs or fur clothing and accessories such as coats, handbags and key chains in L.A. city limits. The ban includes a number of exemptions: Used furs can still be sold at secondhand shops. People can still sell or trade the pelts of dead animals preserved through taxidermy. And the city will not prohibit fur produced from animals taken lawfully under a trapping license."
Doing the moral thing is always the right thing to do and yet this ban has been a long time coming. West Hollywood was declared a "Cruelty Free Zone For Animals" in 1989 when it banned cosmetic testing on animals and became the first U.S. city to go fur free in 2012. The Fur Free WeHo campaign worked. Since then San Francisco and Berkeley followed suit and went fur free. Hawaii has introduced a bill to ban fur sales statewide. And now Los Angeles.
Council members Bob Blumenfield and Paul Koretz co-sponsored the 2018 bill. The article is on line at: https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-los-angeles-fur-ban-20190212-story.html An epic gathering of supporters banned together for the sake of the animals in a crucial 2011 City Council meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRV4AdLB9Bg Beverly Hills is it's own city so Rodeo Drive remains one of the bloodiest streets in America. But we've turned a precedent setting corner. Fur Free Friday has momentum at it's back and the annual march will continue until California is fur free! Until then, I've marched before and will march again: https://www.mystorytails.com/true-tails/fur-free-friday The future is fur free |