A dog in the house again. Felt familiar. But so different. An introduction was called for. I "spoke" to Pilot about letting Ray-Ray borrow some of her blankets and bowls while rescue worked out. She had to know I would never assume, never ride roughshod over her preciousness. | So, I asked for Pi's permission. To let Ray Charles sit on her spot next to the table, watch me from her place next to the kitchen, rest on her beds, sniff through her yard. Pi was watching over him, and me. Her presence is wall to wall, she permeates all the house, this is her home, always. Ray Charles, black, missing one eye. What better name? Have a good life Ray-Ray. | Pilot understood, allowed me to not feel guilty. Might have seen this coming. And wished us well. And so, with Pi's blessing, I gave Ray Charles the hugs he needed. The closeness we both craved. So familiar, so different. |
big thanks to Love Leo Rescue for saving Ray Charles and Gerald Weinman for photos
lorraine sakli
6/29/2017 09:59:20 am
You are such an angel. Thank you for being Bed and Breakfast for this ebony beauty. Did he sing for you? So glad he is rescued and out of that sweltering shelter. I hope the others find angels like you.
Kathleen Helmer
6/29/2017 09:13:13 pm
Ray-Ray has several angels: Laura Vega who took him into her home so he could get out of the shelter, Angelica Flagg who brought him to me, and Sasha Abelson/ Love Leo Rescue. Sasha says: he has a micro eyeball hidden in his eye socket and his eyelashes are folding in so he needs entropion surgery. Pledges accepted directly by the vet: 310-391-6741. His story continues....
Ben H
6/30/2017 05:35:31 pm
Great piece, Kathleen! And photos, too... He is so wonderful
kathleen helmer
7/1/2017 11:17:58 am
Thanks Ben. Can't stress enough how quiet, accepting, gentle and affection-starved Ray Charles is. Thrilled he has Love Leo Rescue on his side, he'll get the medical attention that eye needs.
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kathleen helmerBallot measure Yes on Prop 2 (confinement of chickens, pigs & veal calves) changed my life. Much of what you see on My Story Tails comes from that change. The People Have Spoken: YES! on Prop 2 - http://hsus.typepad.com/wayne/2008/11/prop2-victory.html